Number Systems Class 09 Multiple Choice Test

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Number Systems Class 09 (090101)

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1 / 10

Between two rational numbers : 

(a) there is no rational number                                              

(b) there is exactly one rational number          

(c) there are infinitely many rational numbers                       

(d) there are only rational numbers and no irrational nos.

2 / 10

The sum of two irrational numbers is: 

(a) an irrational number                                                         

(b) a rational number 

(c) neither a rational nor an irrational number                       

(d) either a rational or an irrational number

3 / 10

If a and b are natural numbers,

then \((\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b})(\sqrt{a}-\sqrt{b})\) is: 

(a) rational                             

(b) irrational                

(c) neither rational nor irrational 

(d) none of these

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8 / 10

The product of two irrational numbers is : 

(a) a rational number                                                 

(b) an irrational number 

(c) either a rational or an irrational number               

(d) neither a rational nor an irrational number

9 / 10

The product of any two irrational numbers is:           

(a) always an irrational number                                             

(b) always a rational number  

(c) always an integer                                                 

(d) sometimes rational, sometimes irrational

10 / 10

The value of  \((343)^{-\frac{1}{3}}\) is equal to:

(a) 7                                       

(b) \(\frac{1}{7}\)

(c) \(\frac{1}{49}\)

(d) \(-\frac{1}{7}\)  

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