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Thank you for answering the multiple choice test

Mental Ability Test

General Instruction:

1. There are 35 MCQ’s in the Test.

2. Passing %age is 50.

3. After time gets over, test will be submitted itself.

Your Information …

1 / 35

Mohan started going for regular morning walks for controlling his blood sugar level. He did so for a month and also started taking Yoga lessons, without going for any pathological examination. He underwent pathological test after two months and found that the blood sugar level has come down. Presuming that he had not changed his food habits during these two months, which statement among the alternatives given below follows most logically ?

2 / 35

In each of the following questions two statements are given. Which are followed by four conclusions (1), (2), (3) and (4). Choose the conclusions which logically follow from the given statements.


Some tables are T.V.

Some T.V. are radios.


(1) Some tables are radios.
(2) Some radios are tables.
(3) All the radios are T.V.
(4) All the T.V. are tables.

3 / 35

Find the missing number in the series 2, 10, 26, _____, 242.

4 / 35

Which of the following diagram/sets indicate the relation between women, mothers and parents?

5 / 35

In each of the following problems, a square transparent sheet (X) with a pattern is given. Figure out from amongst the four alternatives as to how the patter would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.

Find out from amongst the four alternatives as to how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.






6 / 35

In a dairy, there are 60 cows and buffalos. The number of cows is twice that of buffalos. Buffalo X ranked seventeenth in terms of milk delivered. If there are 9 cows ahead of Buffalo. X, how many buffalos are after in rank in terms of milk delivered ?

7 / 35

Each of the following questions consists of two sets of figures. Figures A, B, C and D constitute the Problem Set while figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 constitute the Answer Set. There is a definite relationship between figures A and B. Establish a similar relationship between figures C and D by selecting a suitable figure from the Answer Set that would replace the question mark (?) in fig. (D).






8 / 35

If A is the brother of B; B is the sister of C; and C is the father of D, how D is related to A?

9 / 35

Fill in the missing number





10 / 35

Identify which among the pieces given below will not be required to complete the triangular pattern shown below.









11 / 35

Which group of letters is different from others?

12 / 35

Akbar used to board the train from Metro Station A for going to her office. Since Station A is a terminus. she had no problem in getting a seat. Ever since she shifted to Locality B she finds it difficult to get a seat, as by the time the train reaches Locality B it becomes crowded. Find the statement among the alternatives which must be true as per the given information.

13 / 35


14 / 35

In each of the following questions you are given a combination of alphabets and/or numbers followed by four alternatives (1), (2), (3) and (4). Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given combination.

Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given  combination.


15 / 35

In each problem, out of the five figures marked (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), four are similar in a certain manner. However, one figure is not like the other four.

Choose the figure which is different from the rest.





16 / 35

Question given below has a problem and two statements I & II. Decide if the information given in the statement is sufficient for answering the problem:
K, R, S and T are four players in Indian Cricket team. Who is the oldest among them? I : The total age of K & T together is more than that of S II : The total age of R & K together is less than that of S.

17 / 35

In the following letter sequence, some of the letters are missing. These are given in order as one of the alternatives below. Choose the correct alternative.


18 / 35

Find the next number in the sequence 6, 24, 60, 120 ______

19 / 35

Find the letter to be placed in place of ‘?’ in the figure given.









20 / 35

The sheet of paper shown in the figure (X) given on the left hand side, in each problem, is folded to form a box. Choose from amongst the alternatives
(1), (2), (3) and (4), the boxes that are similar to the box that will be formed.

How many dots lie opposite to the face having three dots, when the given figure is folded to form a cube?








21 / 35

Find the next number in the sequence 0, 2, 24, 252 . ______

22 / 35

Find the odd man out







23 / 35

Each of these questions given below contains three elements. These elements may or may not have some inter linkage. Each group of elements may fit into one of these diagrams at (A), (B), (C), (D) and/or (E). You have to indicate the group of elements which correctly fits into the diagrams. 

Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Class, Blackboard and School ?

24 / 35

If in certain code, STUDENT is written as RSTEDMS, then how would TEACHER be written in the same code ?

25 / 35

A pattern is given below. You have to identify which among the following pieces will not be required to complete the pattern.











26 / 35

Each of the following questions consists of five figures marked A, B, C, D and E called the Problem Figures followed by five other figures marked 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 called the Answer Figures. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.

Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.






27 / 35

Identify the number in the position of ‘?’








28 / 35

In each of the following questions, you are given a figure (X) followed by four alternative figures (1), (2), (3) and (4) such that figure (X) is embedded in one of them. Trace out the alternative figure which contains fig. (X) as its part.

Find out the alternative figure which contains figure (X) as its part.






29 / 35

In this multiplication question the five letters represent five different digits. What are the actual figures ? There is no zero.



30 / 35

Here are some words translated from an artificial language

mie pie is blue light
mie tie is blue berry
aie tie is rasp berry

Which words could possibly mean “light fly”?

31 / 35

Dev, Kumar, Nilesh, Ankur and Pintu are standing facing to the North in a playground such as given below:

Kumar is at 40 m to the right of Ankur.
Dev is are 60 m in the south of Kumar.
Nilesh is at a distance of 25 m in the west of Ankur.
Pintu is at a distance of 90 m in the North of Dev.

Which one is in the North-East of the person who is to the left of Kumar?

32 / 35

Find the number in the position of ‘?’.







33 / 35

Directions: The following series are based on a specific pattern. In these series one number is missing, find that odd one.

4, 11, 19, 41, ?, 161

34 / 35

Which symbol replaces the ‘?’. Figure below represent a balance.












35 / 35

In each of the following questions, you are given a combination of alphabets and/or numbers followed by four alternatives (1), (2), (3) and (4). Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the water-image of the given combination.

Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the water-image of the given combination.





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