Introduction to Euclid's Geometry Class 9 Multiple Choice Test


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Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry MCQ Class 9 (90501)

General Instruction:

1. There are 10 MCQ’s in the Test.

2. Passing %age is 50.

3. After time gets over, test will be submitted itself.

1 / 10

Number of dimension(s) a surface has:

(a) 0                                                             (b) 1

(c) 2                                                             (d) 3

2 / 10

Which of the following needs a proof ?

(a) Axiom                                                    (b) Theorem

(c) Postulate                                               (d) Definition

3 / 10

‘Two intersecting lines cannot be parallel to the same line’ is stated in the form of:

(a) an axiom                                              (b) a definition

(c) a postulate                                           (d) a proof

4 / 10

The number of line segments determined by three collinear points is:

(a) two                                                         (b) three

(c) only one                                                (d) four

5 / 10

If the point P lies in between M and N and C is midpoint of MP then:

(a) MC + PN = MN                                   (b) MP + CP = MN

(c)  MC + PN = MN                                  (d) CP + CN = MN

6 / 10

Two planes intersect each other to form a:

(a) plane                                                       (b) point

(c) straight line                                           (d) angle

7 / 10

Which of the following is an example of a geometrical line?

(a) Blackboard                                              (b) Sheet of paper

(c) Meeting place of two walls                   (d) Tip of the sharp pencil

8 / 10

A surface is that which has:

(a) length and breadth                              (b) length only

(c) breadth only                                          (d) length and height

9 / 10

Euclid stated that all right angles are equal to each other in the form of:

(a) an axiom                                               (b) a definition

(c) a postulate                                            (d) a proof

10 / 10

Euclid stated that if equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equals in the form of:

(a) an axiom                                               (b) a postulate

(c) a definition                                           (d) a proof

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