
Integrals Class 12 Multiple Choice Test


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Integrals Class 12 (120701)

General Instruction:

1. There are 10 MCQ’s in the Test.

2. Passing %age is 50.

3. After time gets over, test will be submitted itself.

1 / 10

If \(F(x) = \int_{0}^{x} f(t) dt\), then according to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,  F'(x)  is equal to:

a) f(x)

b) F(x)

c) \(\int_{0}^{x} f'(t) dt\)

d) \(\frac{d}{dx} \int_{0}^{x} f(t) dt\)

2 / 10

If f(x) is an odd function, then the integral \(\int_{-a}^{a} f(x) dx\) is equal to:

a) 0

b) \( 2\int_{0}^{a} f(x) dx\)

c) \( \int_{-a}^{0} f(x) dx\)

d) \( \int_{0}^{a} f(x) dx\)

3 / 10

The integral of \(\frac{1}{x^2}\) with respect to x is:

a) \(\ln|x| + C\)

b) \(-\frac{1}{x} + C\)

c) \(\frac{1}{x} + C\)

d) \(-\ln|x| + C\)

4 / 10

The integral \(\int \frac{x^2 + 1}{x} dx\) can be evaluated using:

a) Trigonometric substitution

b) Partial fractions

c) Integration by parts

d) Substitution

5 / 10

Which technique is most appropriate for evaluating integrals involving rational functions?

a) Substitution

b) Partial fractions

c) Integration by parts

d) Trigonometric substitution

6 / 10

Which of the following statements best describes integration as the inverse process of differentiation?

a) Integration finds the derivative of a function.

b) Integration finds the area under a curve.

c) Integration finds the original function given its derivative.

d) Integration finds the slope of a tangent line.

7 / 10

Which property of definite integrals allows us to split the integral of a sum into the sum of integrals?

a) Linearity

b) Associativity

c) Commutativity

d) Distributivity

8 / 10

The integral \( \int \frac{1}{1+x^2} dx\) can be evaluated using:

a) Trigonometric substitution

b) Partial fractions

c) Integration by parts

d) Substitution

9 / 10

Which method is typically used to evaluate integrals of products of functions?

a) Substitution

b) Partial fractions

c) Integration by parts

d) Trigonometric substitution

10 / 10

The integral of \( \sin(x) \cos(x)\) with respect to x is:

a) \(\frac{1}{2}\sin^2(x) + C \)

b) \(-\frac{1}{2}\cos^2(x) + C\)

c) \( -\frac{1}{2}\sin^2(x) + C\)

d) \(\frac{1}{2}\cos^2(x) + C\)

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